A white rabbit wearing women’s underwear…A 2 Ton elephant in a Mini Skirt…Dreams, ever wonder what they mean? Here is a place to find answers to your sleeping dreams, no matter how crazy they are. Gathered together here are definitions based on what different litterary experts feel specific dream symbols translate into.
Dreams speak our subconscious thoughts, and these thoughts can effect our relationships with others. My goal with this glossary is to help other\\’s interpret their dreams in order to better enhance their relationships.
To know the dream is to understand the dreamer...
There are currently 12 symbols in this directory beginning with the letter V.
To dream of getting a vaccination means you will be unduly swayed by the opposite sex. A dream of seeing others vaccination foretells disappoints in love or business reversals. To dream of a vaccination on any part of the body except the arms show that you are contemplating treachery.
Are you afraid of losing your home, stability, or livelihood? Perhaps you want to break away from social regimentation.
Vistas of green valleys with pleasant streams running through them show that you are embarking on a wonderful change that will bring you only happiness and much peace. A barren or marshy valley denotes losses and reverses entering your life and you should take steps to guard your assets.
To dream of a vampire may indicate that someone is draining energy from you or taking advantage of you. The message is to guard against people who take too much of your time or energy. To dream of battling or staking a vampire suggests a positive outcome versus someone with harmful intentions.
A dream of the Vatican is usually a good omen signifying help and unexpected gain due solely to the actions of others. If royalty is present in the Vatican you will receive your help from very distinguished people. One negative approach on this dream is, if the Vatican is deserted and fallen into ruin the dreamer would suffer a loss of friends and supporters.
A vault usually holds valuables. Your ability to open it determines the nature of the dream. If you hold the key, the vault may be a symbol of wealth and prosperity. If you are unable to open it, then the dream may signify that you are being frustrated in your effort to achieve wealth or a specific goal.
If you see a table loaded down with fresh and cooked vegetables and this makes you hungry it denotes you are lacking in some nutrient or vitamin that your body needs to maintain itself, the one vegetable that is featured in your dream will give you a clue as to which one it is. See also, fruit.
If you dream you are riding in a vehicle and someone else is driving you will soon take a business trip at your bosses convenience, but if you are riding in a vehicle where you or a member of your family are driving, then your trip will be for pleasure or personal business.
Research shows that most dreams are unpleasant. Violent dreams are relatively common and may be a reflection of the confusion and conflict that the dreamer experiences in daily life. Dreams with violent themes suggest that the dreamer has unconscious negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, and anger. If you are not dealing with these feeling consciously, your dreams are compensating and bringing into awareness the need for honest reflection and emotional balance in daily life.
A violin played in a dream portends a romantic interlude, a time of love and harmony. It can also mean that you or someone else is high strung."
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