A white rabbit wearing women’s underwear…A 2 Ton elephant in a Mini Skirt…Dreams, ever wonder what they mean? Here is a place to find answers to your sleeping dreams, no matter how crazy they are. Gathered together here are definitions based on what different litterary experts feel specific dream symbols translate into.
Dreams speak our subconscious thoughts, and these thoughts can effect our relationships with others. My goal with this glossary is to help other\\’s interpret their dreams in order to better enhance their relationships.
To know the dream is to understand the dreamer...
There are currently 15 symbols in this directory beginning with the letter N.
A nail in a dream can have a variety of meanings. To nail it down suggests putting something together or holding it together. If you hit the nail on the head
Being nude in a dream can symbolize a wish for exposure, to be seen or heard. It can also relate to a need to bare the truth. Alternately, a dream of nudity can be sexually related and suggests that the dreamer is no longer inhibited. To dream of swimming naked may represent an illicit affair that will end badly, or that you have many admirers.
To dream of being in the Navy denotes your need for organization and structure in your life. To dream of being rescued by a Navy person presages help you will receive from authoritative sources. A shabby Navy crew indicates failure in your undertakings.
To see yourself in need shows that you are in danger of losing everything through speculation, This is a warning to slow down and become more conservative, or make the dream come true. To see others in need means that your state of affairs also affect others and the same warning holds true.
A dream of a needle and thread might indicate that a matter is being sewn up, or a deal is being completed. A needle might also suggest that someone is needling you. To dream of threading a needle symbolizes that you may be burdened with caring for others, to look for a needle augurs useless worries. To break a needle in a dream signifies loneliness and poverty.
To dream of having a good neighbor is a good omen showing that you will enjoy your home and domestic tranquillity will reside with you. If Your neighbors appear sad in your dream then you will have to take it as opposite the above, but if they are angry and fighting you will soon be moving from your home.
If you dream of your nephew and he is of pleasing countenance this is an omen that you will soon find yourself residing in a more pleasing and congenial surroundings. If, however, his looks are gross then there will be a loss of business or possible illness for you.
A nest is a symbol of home and might relate to the desire to return home. If you are moving, it might relate to your concerns about your new home. If there is an egg in the nest, the dream might relate to a concern about your savings or nest egg.
A night setting for a dream might suggest something is hidden or obscured. There might be a need to illuminate something. Being surrounded by night in a dream suggests oppression and hardship.
To be in a nightclub with lots of fun going on augers well for your social life and connections in the near future. If the nightclub is dimly lit and depressing, you can expect the end of a love affair, or a financial crisis.
If you have nightmares, try to understand the fears and the events in those dreams. They suggest that you might be holding on to be traumatic or guilt based conflicts. You may have a lot of powerful negative feelings that require reconciliation. If nightmares continue for an extended period of time, the individual should consider obtaining professional counseling services. Nightmares are a direct result of overwhelming feelings of fear and helplessness, or a result of an unprocessed traumatic experience. A nightmare is any dream that wakes you up because of its frightening and overwhelming images.
Being nude in a dream can symbolize a wish for exposure, to be seen or heard. It can also relate to a need to bare the truth. Alternately, a dream of nudity can be sexually related and suggests that the dreamer is no longer inhibited. To dream of swimming naked may represent an illicit affair that will end badly, or that you have many admirers.
A dream of a nurse suggests that you are being healed or are in need of healing. It also implies a desire to be pampered or nursed. The dream could also relate to a relationship or a project that you are nursing along.
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