Introduction Here are 5 rules by which you can kill your relationship. The more you employ these rules, the more certain you can be that your relationship will be damaged: 1. Do not communicate 2. Be controlling 3. Always give negative feedback and criticism 4. Do not respect your partner 5. Do not pay attention…
For those of you who often wonder why your partner wants out, I have tried to come up with three easy ways that will almost insure the destruction of a close relationship. They are, in no particular order: 1) Fill your relationship jar to the very top with sand; 2) park your car in your…
I often hear couples, who have been with each other for a long time say, "I just do not know what to say or what to talk about. Maybe. However, after some exploration, I discovered there are a lot of things that many couples do not know about each other. At the same time, there…
We all know that communication in a long distance relationship is essential. But how do you manage to have an effective communication with your girlfriend, so that it does not seem needy, boring or unattractive? In this article you'll discover 7 golden rules of texting that you can use in your text communication to avoid…
Human beings are social animals. Most of us crave the comfort and warmth of sharing life experiences and love with others. Most of us crave the intimate of a love relationship, with shared hopes, dreams, and adventures of life. We want deep and loving relationships, and they are a lot of hard work to make…