A white rabbit wearing women’s underwear…A 2 Ton elephant in a Mini Skirt…Dreams, ever wonder what they mean? Here is a place to find answers to your sleeping dreams, no matter how crazy they are. Gathered together here are definitions based on what different litterary experts feel specific dream symbols translate into.
Dreams speak our subconscious thoughts, and these thoughts can effect our relationships with others. My goal with this glossary is to help other\\’s interpret their dreams in order to better enhance their relationships.
To know the dream is to understand the dreamer...
There are currently 66 symbols in this directory beginning with the letter B.
A baby in a dream may represent an idea that is gestating or growing. It could also relate to the pending birth of a child or a desire for a family. Alternately, a baby could indicate dependent behavior or infantile longings. A baby walking alone indicates independence. A bright, clean baby represents requited love and many warm friends.
A woman dreaming of a bachelor denotes a loss of innocence and purity. A man who dreams of being a bachelor is a warning of an insincere female who will shortly be entering your life. It is also the sign of loss of honor and dignity.
If you slap someone on the back in your dream it is an omen of loss of money. To see a naked back in your dream is a warning not to lend money to anyone and if it is of the opposite sex the warning is doubled. To see a person turn their back on you means you will be deeply hurt by jealousy or envy.
To dream of back-biting, (creating malicious gossip), about someone means you will soon fall into serious error if you do not halt whatever you may be doing that may harm someone. To have someone back-bite you means you will have problems with family and/or children.
Playing backgammon and losing shows you will be unlucky in the pursuit of the opposite sex, To win denotes that you will have many friends and loved ones. To see a backgammon game shows you will be, or will have, an unwelcome guest in the near future.
To dream of handling bacon with dirty hands is an ill omen and must be taken with the dream as a whole. Bacon that has gone rancid denotes a failed affair, either love or business. Curing bacon properly is a good sign that you are doing something right.
A badger is a fierce little animal and to see this fellow in a dream will show that you have put up quite a fight and won out over your opponents. An injured Badger tells you to fight another day.
A musical instrument such as a bagpipe seen in your dream is a sign of good fortune if the music is pleasing to the ear. If the player resembles a tramp and the sound is ugly and grating then will misfortune head your way.
To dream of making bail or needing to make bail is a dream where your subconscious is telling you that you need to accept help from professionals in your area of business, i.e.: bail you out. To go bail for another could denote accidents and misadventure for the dreamer.
To dream of being a bailiff denotes that you are working hard to better your standard of living and your position at work. If the bailiff comes to arrest you then you are in some error in your business dealing and need to improve your ethics.
When we bake, we transform matter. We take raw materials and make them into something nutritious and pleasing. Dreaming about baking is a positive dream image. It suggests that you are feeling optimistic and productive.
If you dream of an old fashion bake house then you are in danger of running into pitfalls which will be revealed to you. For a woman to dream this she will have her good name besmirched and false friends will drag her down.
Dreaming of a modern day bakery with all the good smells and smiling people denotes much richness and success for you. To dream you are making the bread shows you will be making more money in your endeavors.
A balcony might stand for the public part of the personality. Consider the condition of the balcony. If it is clean and polished, the dream indicates that you are held in high regard by others. If it is a crumbling, tarnished balcony, it may suggest that you need to repair your public image.
Some believe that dreaming about baldness is a warning about poor health. However, baldness symbolizes a lack of something, just like those who are bald lack hair. Hair represents feelings of personal power and beauty. Consider if such issues are currently relevant in your life.
If you are playing some sort of ball game as a sport you will soon be hearing some good news. If the ball you dream of is a gala event complete with music then the interpretation is somewhat different. It is a very good omen if you are having fun and enjoying the music and dancing but if it should be a masquerade ball you should watch out for an enemy posing as a good friend. Watching a ball game, or a dance from the sidelines, show that you must overcome shyness to join in the fun.
To dream of seeing balloons in your dream indicates a dashing of hope on any and all fronts, business or love, as well as a general falling off of all kinds of businesses you may be involved in. If you are ascending in a balloon this is an omen of especially frustrating conditions in your life.
Freud suggested that all such objects have phallic implications. However, all types of food bring up issues of nourishment. In the world of classic or superstition-based dream interpretations, eating bananas suggests a period of hard work but little reward. Spoiled fruit usually suggests "spoiled" situations or friendships.
If you dream that you are playing the banjo you will have an enjoyable time with friends. if you see someone else playing the banjo then you will meet an exciting new love. If you are listening to banjo music from afar you will soon have some visitors from out of town. To hear banjo music on a radio show, you will have success in love.
Generally, a bank is a symbol of security and power--a foundation--but the meaning depends on what you are doing in the bank. If you are receiving or depositing money, it is usually an auspicious sign, an indication that you are financially secure. If you are waiting in line, it literally may mean waiting for a check or money to arrive. Likewise, if you are holding upa bank, it may symbolize that money you are expecting is being "held up" or delayed.
Dreaming about being in bars and drinking may symbolize a need that you have for some type of a meaningful transformation. On the other hand, this dream may be a form of wish fulfillment, and you are escaping into a pleasurable environment where daily cares and concerns are meaningless. If you rarely allow yourself to relax and socialize, this dream may be compensatory in nature.
If you attend a baseball game in your dream you will find contentment and peace or mind. If you dream you are playing the game of baseball you will find contentment, but no real gains, in life unless you quit playing, and buckle down to achieving your goals.
Dreaming of being in a basement could indicate that you are connecting with the subconscious mind. Possibly you are unearthing something hidden in your past that you need to examine. (see Underground.)
Taking a bath in a dream may represent your need to undergo some form of cleansing. If you are currently changing things in your daily life, or if you have freed yourself from bothersome emotions, this dream may be an affirmation of that. Taking a bath represents a cleansing of the outer self, the washing away of those things that are difficult or disturbing and relaxing for a while. The deeper meaning may be that the bath represents the letting go of old and useless ideas, opinions or prejudices. Often this dream is a call to relax, to free your mind of daily troubles, and to put your problems away for a while.
Bathing or wading in clear water is a very good omen as it shows luck in all you are undertaking. Muddy water is a sign of bad luck, illness, or losses in love and money. To dream of playing in the water foretells a wonderful love affair. If the water is murky the affair will be violent.
Dreaming of being in a bathroom could simply mean that your bladder is full. It could also symbolize a place of privacy. If the bathroom is crowded, the dream could mean that you lack privacy. If you find yourself in a bathroom for the opposite sex, it may suggest that you are crossing boundaries. A bathroom dream may also relate to the elimination of something in your life.
The dreamer is particularly unfortunate if he/she dream about these awful little ugly creatures as death almost always follows the dream of the bat, often it is the death of a child, or a youth. Seeing bats in your dream shows that many sorrows and grief is yours due to the evil that people direct against you. Death of a family member is denoted by a dream of a white bat., while a black bat brings personal disaster.
To see yourself working on a beach shows that you will soon be involved with a job, or project, that will be demanding of you in both time and effort. If you are just relaxing on a beach this shows that you value the calm feelings that family get togethers lend to you, and if you see yourself sitting on a beach and letting the sand run through your fingers that shows that you are running out of time on something important due to idling your time away.
If a bear is pursuing you in your dream this is a sign that you will experience some financial losses in business. A bear also represents a rival you may have for your loved one, if the bear is seen to be climbing, then the outcome will be in your favor.
Beards are usually associated with masculinity, wisdom, strength, and the men who have them typically command respect. Moses, Jesus, Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln all had beards. Old dream interpretation books say that dreaming of bearded men is a good omen, and good luck will follow. On the other hand, dreaming about woman with beards is said to be bad luck. It´s no wonder, a woman who is strong, wise and commands respects is a very threatening creature (to some). If you are a woman dreaming that you have a beard, you may be dealing with your own issues of power. You may be using more masculine energy than you would like to or that is necessary.
To see a beaver industriously building a dam shows that much hard work is to be expected before you eventually realize your goals. If the beaver is in distress, or has trouble with his building, this is indicative of a need to change your career as the goal you have set may be unrealistic.
If you dream that you are sleeping on a bed in the outdoors this foretells much success in your endeavors. If you dream of going to bed with a stranger of the opposite sex, this is indicative of making friends too fast, and speaks for caution in affairs. A bed that is not your own shows that you can expect a small increase in good luck in your business affairs, and your own bed offers you security that you may be lacking in your life. If you are making up the bed you will have callers.
Seeing a busy beehive is indicative of many opportunities for you to get ahead and increase your earning power. If the hive is empty this forecasts sorrow over love affairs and a loss in income. If you, or someone else in your dream, should be seen destroying the hive then you will have many losses and suffer poverty for a time.
Seeing bees in your dream is much the same as the beehive with a small variation: Bees are a lucky dream and augers much good to the dreamer in all his endeavors, unless, the bees sting the dreamer in which case bad luck may dog your steps for a while.
To begin something in your dream is your subconscious telling you that you need to get on with what you have only been planning. It is a warning of wasting valuable time through procrastination.
All dreams of betrayal should be studied closely in connection with the entire dream to find out just who or what to expect betrayal from. Betrayal as an omen is not much to go on and the dreamer must take this as a literal warning of an insincere friend or lover and study the dream with this in mind. Sometimes things can betray you by not giving you value and satisfaction for cost.
All vehicles symbolize our passage through the journey of life. Since the bicycle is usually acquired earlier in life than a car, it could be pointing out some of your adolescent tendencies. If you are a teenager, then it may be a routine way of getting around. Riding a bicycle in your dream may symbolize a need for balance and hard work in order for you to succeed in a current endeavor. Some think that the bicycle could also represent your need for some type of assistance. Consider all of the details in your dream, including whether you are traveling up or down the road.
The appearance of a bird in a dream could relate to a wish for freedom, to fly away, or to flee from something. Birds can also be spiritual symbols. Among certain Native American tribes, an eagle symbolizes spiritual knowledge. A vulture might symbolize death and a hummingbird might point to a matter accelerating or to the tendency to flit from one thing to another.
To dream of feeding birds with much birdseed promises a very large income in the near future, and if you are spreading it around on the ground, your business will take root and grow. This is a good dream and it also is an encouragement to the dreamer to forge ahead with his/her plans and not be deterred by misplaced loyalty, in other words, do not let someone rain on your parade.
If the dreamer is pregnant the dream will be an acting out of hidden wishes, fears or desires, but, soon after you dream of giving birth to a child, or someone else giving birth, you will hear some good news. If the birth is in relation to animals this shows that any enemies working against your best interests will be defeated, and if the birth is multiple then you will gain a larger monetary reward for your labors.
Birthday dreams can have contrary meanings depending on the context. To dream of receiving birthday presents may mean happy surprises or advancements are in order. For an older person to dream of a birthday may signify long hardship and sorrow; to the young it is a symbol of poverty.
Birthday Cake
To dream of a birthday, complete with the cake, shows that you will have much good luck come your way through the well wishes of good friends. If the cake looks ugly in the dream, then you will have some minor bad luck that will not be long lasting, or devastating to the dreamer.
This is a dream of very ill omen and it shows that you are in danger of suffering ill from the hands of someone who has wished you harm for a long time. It also a wish to undo something that you may have done that is past being repairable, as well as a warning of physical harm and monetary losses. If you dream of being bitten by a vampire this shows there is someone in your life that is draining you, or your resources, and you need to eliminate this person from your life.
To dream of biting someone could be a warning that you are overdoing the pressure you are applying to certain people and causing them pain. In other instances it tells of low business practices and a lack of ethics in all your dealings. If you are biting someone as a vampire then you feel like you must make your own way and not be dependent on others, which makes you feel like a bloodsucker. See Vampire.
Black Crow (Blackbird)
If you dream of seeing a blackbird in your dream, then the next few months will be tedious as you move along in a rut. If your dream is of a blackbird flying, and singing, then you will meet with good fortune. To dream that you are eating this blackbird is an indication that there is someone you need to apologize to, eat crow.
Blood is vital to life, and to dream of bleeding suggests a loss of power and a change for the worse in fortune.
Those that are literally blind cannot see the world around them. They can only perceive images with their mind´s eye. When dreaming about being blind the message is of a psychological and spiritual nature. Blindness in a dream suggests that the dreamer may be unwilling to see some aspect of his life. There may be a blind spot in the mind, heart and/or soul. The unconscious material being processed by the dream threatens the dreamer, and he cannot bring it to his conscious attention. The good news is that dreams are cyclical in nature. A message that can not get through at the current time will repeat itself at a future date. The very central point of dreams is to make us aware of all aspects of our lives and ourselves. Enlightenment and integration of unconscious and conscious components take time and desire. What you cannot see in a dream currently will become visible when you are more able to effectively cope with the message. This definition also applies to darkness and sleep as dream symbols.
To dream of seeing blood stains you will have much trouble from an enemy if you start a business or other enterprise. If you are doing the bleeding try to stay out of confrontations with family and friends, the blood may not be literal but rather, signify a state of bleeding emotions. If the blood is seen as a transfusion your troubles will not be long-lasting.
The boat is a dream symbol for your life and/or business, and the dreamer must pull together all the aspects of this dream to approximate the meaning, such as: the water, whether it is clear, murky, inland lakes, or oceans, was the boat moving, etc., so look up all the dream symbols you can remember and you should be able to glean the sense of your dream. do not forget to consider idioms; do not rock the boat, we are all in the same boat, and so on.
Dreaming about your body generally suggests that you are dreaming about your personal identity. Who we are is wrapped around what we look like. Our self-esteem and self-worth are too frequently dependent on our physical appearance. This dream may be pointing out some of the difficulties or pleasures in daily life that are the result of self-identity and based on attachment to our physical bodies. The body in general is the symbol of self, and the details in the dream will lead you to further interpretation. Additionally, if you are dreaming of a specific body region, or part, consider your health status.
If books were the main theme of your dream the situation in your life is stable and you will make slow, steady progress to the top of your chosen profession. look to the other symbols in your dream to tell you in what context you should place the book, or books, in relation to your own life situation, bear in mind that the action associated with books is progress.
If you dream of a specific person such as a boyfriend, you will need to concentrate more on the other symbols of your present dream as the boyfriend can represent several different aspects or people in your life. A boyfriend can be friend, enemy, lover, companion, or the symbol of any of these things in the emotions. If bodily harm is threatened from this person it would be best to take this as a literal, true, dream and act accordingly.
Any dream that you have that features boys in any activity is a good omen and bodes well for the dreamer in whatever he/she is undertaking at the present time. Of course, if the boys are injured, or otherwise beset, then you must take the dream to mean an ill omen. Brakes: Brakes are a warning dream, and more so if you dream that you braked a vehicle and the brakes failed. Failing brakes are a warning not to accept a new offer that you have just been presented with, as there are well hidden snags that can harm more that help. The action of braking itself is an idiom telling you to put the brakes on, whether it is business or love, or even some impetuous act that could cause you legal trouble. You should also check your brakes on your personal vehicle.
As a food, bread is a fundamental part of most diets. In poverty bread is the filler, and in jail the prisoner receives bread and water to keep from starvation. In Christianity, Christ is the "bread of life," and in popular jargon bread is used to refer to money. Crossculturaly in both physical and metaphysical references, bread is the basic sustenance of life. As a dream symbol it is rich in both meaning and message. The bread in your dreams could represent those positive and wonderful things that you have learned in your life´s journey. It could be symbolic of "good" and most basic things in your life which will yield positive benefits in the future. The bread in your dream could be spiritually symbolic; it could represent a profound communion or connection with others and with God. Consider the details of your dream before interpreting, but know that bread has positive universal symbolism and that this dream should bring with it a level of positive feelings and peace.
Women´s breasts may relate to sexual desire. They can also symbolize nurturing, motherhood, or a concern about exposure. Are the breasts exposed? Are they diseased or injured? Always consider what is going on in relation to the symbol.
Since a bridge connects us from one place to another, in dreaming it may represent a crossing from one state of mind to another. Consider the other elements in the dream. Are you crossing dangerous waters? what is waiting for you at the other side of the bridge? what is behind you?
Brown is not the most cheerful color in the spectrum. It is a very serious color which is associated with the earth, dirt, or soil. Autumn is generally brown and it represents a season of dormancy and conservatism. The brown in your dream may be symbolic of physical reality and earthiness. It may represent things in their "barest" form, and its interpretation may encourage you to add some light and depth into your daily life.
If you dream of a single buffalo you will see an inordinate amount of income in the next few weeks but if you killed, or injured, the beast then you must, under no circumstances, accept any new venture offered to you. To dream of seeing a herd of buffalo presages peace and plenty. If a buffalo lets you pet it, you will have a tranquil married life.
If the buildings you dream of are stately and majestic you could have to much ceremony in your life and not enough everyday good people attitudes. If the buildings are beautiful with lots of green lawn around them then are you destined for a life of plenty. Should the buildings be dilapidated and in ruins then this will show that you will have business or love problems with the likelihood of loss very high.
Depending on the details of the dream, this dream symbol could have several different meanings. The bull in your dream could represent powerful sexual energy, stubbornness, strength, and, at times, clumsiness. It could also symbolize optimism about the future and an ability to focus on a specific goal. Bulls can represent tenacity and a very strong will. Finally, since the bull is associated with the color red, some believe that it symbolizes the first chakra, which is the energy center located at the base of the spine that represents this material world.
A bullet in a dream is a very bad omen. If you are hit with one this is to warn you to have a medical checkup immediately, and if you see a bullet, or several, do not do or say anything that can be misconstrued as you could lay yourself open to some very bad scandal.
Bumble bees
A bumble bee is not a very good omen in a dream as most people associate the bumble bee with pain more than they do any other bee. This is a dream of warning and should be correlated with the other aspects of your dream to get the knowledge meant for you to have. Watch out for enemies in friends clothing, and do not get stung.
Dreaming about funerals or burying a dead person does not necessarily symbolize physical death for you or anyone else. It could instead symbolize an ending of a different kind. You may be burying relationships, conditions or even emotions that you no longer need and which are no longer conducive to your personal growth. On the other hand, this dream may symbolize the burying of sensitivities and emotions that are too difficult to cope with. It may reflect a numbness or a feeling which is the opposite of vivacity, such as depression and emptiness. Either way, burying a living person suggests some emotional turmoil. Please consider all of the details in this dream to find the appropriate message. Old dream interpretation books say that dreaming about burials is a dream of the contrary. Instead of sadness the dreamer will experience happiness and go to celebrations, such as weddings.
A bus can be a vehicle for moving ahead to one´s goal. If you are traveling with others, you could be on a collective journey. Notice other aspects of the dream, such as the luggage you are carrying, your destination, and what you are leaving behind.
A dream of a butterfly could be telling you to settle down and not to flit from person to person or it could have to do with social situations.. The bigger and more beautiful the butterfly, the more of an impression you will make on society, or at a special function that you must attend. Use the other symbols in your dream to get you on the right track.
Most often the button in your dream is a button on a piece of clothing, rather than a button that you push. Button or buttons on clothing represent something from your physical, or outer, self . Note if you were buttoning or unbuttoning, and, from there, attempt to obtain meaning. Unbuttoning generally represents an opening up of your emotions or ideas. You may be leaving yourself open to new possibilities as you are letting go of old thoughts and ways of doing things. Alternatively and on a positive side, buttoning up may reflect a need to conserve and to pull inward, to "button" your lip or to restrain yourself in some way. The more negative interpretation of buttoning up may be that you are currently feeling bound, restricted, or lacking some type of freedom.
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