A white rabbit wearing women’s underwear…A 2 Ton elephant in a Mini Skirt…Dreams, ever wonder what they mean? Here is a place to find answers to your sleeping dreams, no matter how crazy they are. Gathered together here are definitions based on what different litterary experts feel specific dream symbols translate into.
Dreams speak our subconscious thoughts, and these thoughts can effect our relationships with others. My goal with this glossary is to help other\\’s interpret their dreams in order to better enhance their relationships.
To know the dream is to understand the dreamer...
There are currently 56 symbols in this directory beginning with the letter A.
If you abandon something bad in your dream you could quite possibly receive some favorable financial news. But if someone abandons you, close to you in your dreams it may mean trouble, do not worry you can over come it by acknowledging the warning sign. If you dreamed you saw some sort of abandonment, it indicates you will hear some news or information that you will feel is very important to you. To dream that you yourself have been abandoned is a dream of contradiction and means you will have a reconciliation or a quick turn around from the trouble or problem.
You must consider this dream´s varying aspects in order to interpret it. Your unconscious may be giving you some messages regarding what needs to be kept and needs to be let go. Traditional dream interpretations say that if you are the one being abandoned in your dream, it is a dream of the contrary and you may experience reconciliation or recovery from trouble or illness. Please remember that the unconscious is attempting to compensate for an imbalance in the conscious. For example if you are overly attached to someone in daily life, in the dream state you may be abandoned by him/her. This is an attempt by the unconscious to make your aware of your dependency.
Looking upon this type of structure clearly and in broad daylight, generally you can consider this a good omen. Being a very good sign you can expect peace of mind and substantial freedom from anxiety. If you see in Abbey in gloom or fog at night it indicates sadness, but it should only the temporary in nature.
Seeing your abdomen in a dream suggests the gestation or digestion of a new idea or phase of your life. If your abdomen is swollen, the birth of a new project may be imminent.
A dream about being abducted strongly indicates success for you against most opposition whether business or social. If you witness someone being abducted in your dreams then you can expect to get some unexpected news.
When you find something extremely distasteful in your dreams, it is a warning of danger or difficult times. These are usually of an unforeseen nature; but, if the feeling was not very strong and you were simply, slightly annoyed by this feeling present in your dream, then you will overcome your difficulties.
To experience dreams of being abject indicates coming financial changes, usually to the opposite. If the abjectnesss altered at some point within the dream then these affects will only be temporary. However if during your dream you respond friendly to in abject approach, it possibly means a substantial financial benefit is forthcoming.
To dream of things that are not normal, and I mean really "Not normal" like a bird with tentacles or a car that is half horse, then this means that very soon you will have a sound solution to your current problems that are weighing on your mind.
To a man a dream containing abortion indicates failure in his kind endeavor. For a woman it is very clearly a health dream and may indicate her health is in some sort of danger.
To go abroad by ship indicates that you may make a very powerful and influential new friend very shortly. Dreams of being abroad in foreign lands is clear indications that you may be experiencing unsettled conditions and look for a possible change of location.
To the man this could indicate possible deceit from his co-workers. To a woman it means she should be very careful where she gives her affection.
Another contradictory dream which may seem the exact opposite. To dream that you practice abstinence from drinking or any other sort of sensual temptation can be and should be considered a warning against being over confidant. But to dream that you have to show abstinence out of necessity indicates that great rewards are on their way.
To dream of having a great abundance of a certain thing is a clear warning to conserve your resources and energies. And dreaming of having a great abundance of a wide variety of things is a very good omen.
If you dream you are abusing someone you are about to suffer repercussions from friends toward whom you have acted less than honorable. If you feel that you are abused, or if you are being verbally or physically abused, you will soon fall into the hands of an enemy. Being forewarned is being forearmed, and your dreams are advising you that you will be the sufferer unless you pay close attention to your dealings in the immediate future.
An abyss can always be considered an obstacle. If you can manage to keep from falling into one in your dreams, though it may look like you will, you will overcome your current problem. However, falling into the abyss, is a stern warning that you should be very careful, as there may be danger present in your business dealings.
A dream that involves an Academy can indicate new friendships, and it warns that they may lead you to costly mis-speculation.
An accelerator or gas pedal or throttle on a boat and possibly even an airplane, can be an indication that you will achieve your objectives with little outside help other than your own efforts. However if the accelerator is jammed or broken and you lost control of it, it is a warning not to develop a habit which could turn into a most unwanted vice.
An accident dream would normally fall under the category of a warning from your subconscious mind telling you to steer clear of whatever was involved in the dream accident, no matter what it is. Many lives have been saved by heeding such a dream. If the dream involves a car then you should endeavor to walk as much as possible, but use extra caution when you are approached by a vehicle. Take a different flight at least two days later if an airplane, watch out for WHATEVER is involved. If the dream is about a sea accident and you do not plan to travel by ship or boat, then this is an omen having to do with love affairs. If the accident involves an archaic, outdated, mode of travel then it will pertain to business reversals.
Actor or Actress
Perhaps you are only seeing your own or someone elses persona, the side the person shows to the world. Seeing yourself as an actor in the spotlight suggests a desire for publicity or a more public life. Such a dream can also suggest that you are acting out a role or "putting on an act" for someone else.
Dreams that take place in the afternoon suggest clarity and lengthiness of duration. Are you with friends in the afternoon? Then positive and lasting associations may soon be formed.
Dreaming about old people or your own aging may have several different meanings. An old man may symbolize wisdom and forgiveness while an old woman may represent life and death. In general, aging may represent the wisdom that a person acquires through experience. The dream may also be giving you a message in regard to life´s lessons. This may be a good time for you to apply some of your experience and knowledge to a current situation. This dream may also be a reflection of your concerns about aging. If you are thinking about your mortality and do not welcome maturing and age, the dream may be bringing out some of your worries and/or vanities.
You may be soaring to new heights in some facet of your life or taking a metaphorical journey into the unconscious. An airplane dream can also be a prelude to a flying dream or used as a launch pad to a lucid dream.
In a dream the sight of a busy airport represents the desire for freedom and/or travel as this is the jumping off point for all those who travel the world and it brings out your hidden desires to do the same. If the airport is empty and deserted your own travel plans will be changed or delayed.
Understanding the symbol of alcohol in your dreams depends on the relationship you have with it in daily life. If you drink regularly, you need to look at the other details of your dream more carefully. However, if you drink rarely or never, then this dream could represent a need for you to escape from your daily stress and your desire to get quick relief. The alcohol could be suggesting a need for healing and getting in balance. Your unconscious mind may be suggesting outrageous things in hopes that you get the message to "have fun, dream dreams, and get out of your own head!" Please keep in mind that the purpose of dreams is to raise our consciousness and to assist us in having better lives. The message in the dream about alcohol is most likely not encouraging you to drink but it may represent a need to feel better or get better.
If you dream that you are an alien from outer space this will denote that your ideas are starting to get out of hand in regard to occult matters. It is your minds way to put the brakes on. If you dream you have been abducted by aliens this shows your fear of changing your surroundings or your deep seated fear of losing your home and family. To see aliens of any kind is bringing out your fears and must be correlated with the rest of the dream.
This symbol may suggest that you are being thick-skinned or insensitive to someone else. It may also signify danger.
To dream of eating fresh almonds with gusto and enjoyment foretells the coming of financial gain but if the almonds tend to be a little bitter then your gain will be accompanied by a short time of sorrow. To see a healthy almond tree foretells much happiness and wedded bliss while a blighted tree means just the opposite.
A dream of an ambulance is an omen that could be taken as a warning against carelessness and indiscretion leading to some major catastrophe in your life. In all cases it is concerning itself with your health, or the inner fear you may have of having contracted some kind of disease, and warrants a trip to the doctor to set your mind at ease.
In a dream the amethyst is a gem that signals good luck. In business it shows that you will have a modest income that you will be satisfied with, and in marriage, you will have a calm and happy married life. If you lose a piece of amethyst jewelry then you will see the reverse of these conditions.
This is a frightening dream which may be due to anxiety and fear. It suggests feelings of frustration, anger, and powerlessness on the part of the dreamer. This dream may also be related to a radical removal of something from one´s life. Some believe that you are trying to get rid of something that is no longer desirable or necessary or that the limb or the part being amputated has lost its power. According to New Age thinking, the right side of the body is usually associated with the ability to give emotionally, psychologically and physically to yourself and others, while the left is linked with the ability to receive. Carl Jung said that the left side represents the unconscious while right indicates the conscious.
Park Dreaming of an amusement park may suggest that you are in need of a vacation from your concerns over a troubling issue. To dream of riding a ride denotes an enjoyment of life and feelings of being uninhibited.
An anchor grounds you--acts as your foundation. It also holds you in place, which can be either beneficial or detrimental.
Angels represent help from the higher self or from a guardian. The appearance of an angel may suggest a growing spiritual awareness.
This may be a carry-over from your daily life. In our dreams we can experience and express such feelings safely. Feeling great anger in your dream may be disturbing but pay attention to it and attempt to deal with all of your emotions in a more appropriate and productive manner.
Animals can relate to various sides of your "animal" nature, a guardian spirit, wisdom, innocence, predatory tendencies, or sexuality, depending on the perceived nature of the animal. An animal can also represent the physical body, or appear as a metaphor for an illness within the physical body.
Ants suggest restlessness (feeling "antsy"). They also signify small annoyances and irritations. Alternately, they may represent feelings of smallness or insignificance. Consider the number of ants in the dream. Is it a single ant? A colony? Or a huge, swollen anthill?
Experiencing much anxiety in your dream state may be related to your current difficulties and everyday life. Gaps may exist between the way things are and the way you would like them to be. Older interpretation books suggest that when you dream about anxiety, the contrary is true and that your worries will be lessened. However, always keep the compensatory nature of dreams in mind. If you are not feeling anxiety during the day, it could be that you are ignoring it and that it will appear in your dream. Therefore, look at the details of your dream and attempt to identify the anxiety-provoking situations in your daily life.
A dream of an apartment is usually a simple dream and shows the dreamer the state of finances or other situation he or she may be involved in. A beautiful, lavish apartment indicates you will see a large increase in your income or your family life will improve. If the apartment is shabby and dark then you will experience misfortune and possible loss of a husband, lover, or money. Try to recall the other symbols that caught your eye in your dream apartment and you will come close to approximating it is meaning.
This dream always has something to say about our relationships, the relationship that we have with ourselves and/or with others. Apologies are associated with forgiveness and honesty. Thus, consider the details of your dream and consider whether an apology is necessary in order for you to move forward in a particular relationship or with an area of your personal life.
An apostle dream is much like that of an angel dream but more men than women seem to have these. Usually when an apostle speaks to you in a dream it is a spiritual message for you and deserves the utmost attention you can give it. See Angel.
An apparition can signify a message or warning. It can be seen as communication with the dead. Alternately, you might feel that another person in a relationship is like an apparition--someone who is there, but not truly present.
Apples stand for wholeness and for knowledge. Ripe apples on a tree may mean that your hope and hard work have borne fruit.
As April showers lead to May flowers, to dream of this month represents that much pleasure and fortune may be heading your way. If the weather is bad, it may suggest the passing of bad luck.
Water in all forms is a very meaningful symbol. It may represent emotions, the unconscious, sexuality, and, at times, life itself. Before interpreting this symbol first consider the other details in the dream and the overall quality of the dream experience. The aquarium could represent a portion of your life or a "slice of life." Aquariums are generally balanced and fully contained ecosystems. People enjoy aquariums because they find them soothing and relaxing. Thus, this dream´s message may be a call for contemplation and relaxation. It may represent life in a small setting as a compensation to the stress and, at times, overwhelming complexity of daily experiences.
Passing under an arch in a dream may symbolize a transition in your life, a move from one phase or stage to another. If you avoid walking under the arch, the indication is that you are resisting transition or change. Note the shape of the arch, whether it is adorned in any way, or whether other people are also using it. This will flesh out the symbol for you.
Arms allow you to manipulate things in your environment. The same might be true in a dream. Seeing an arm suggests that you can maneuver or manipulate things in your dream environment. If you flap your arms, it may indicate a desire to fly in your dream.
Armor could represent your defense mechanisms, those things that you use to protect yourself from self and/or others (e.g. denial and repression). Physical barriers may keep others away, as will your more negative behaviors and attitudes. On a more spiritual note, some believe that dreaming about armor may be a good sign which represents a shield of protection from difficulties and temptation.
The interpretation of this dream symbol may vary depending if the arrow was a tool or a weapon, or a sign pointing direction. Dreaming about an actual arrow may have a range of meaning that includes swiftness, powerful and speedy intuition, mental alertness, precession, illuminating thoughts, and, last but not least, it could be a phallic symbol. To interpret the dream, consider its setting, context and emotional tone. Then, attempt to connect and apply the suggested symbolism to your current situation or state of mind.
If you are the one to be struck down by an assassin then you will not experience the realization of your goals. To see someone else who has been killed, with the assassin still there, and blood spattered, shows some very bad luck to the dreamer, as he/she will be brought low by the underhandedness of an enemy.
First of all, anytime you dream of being attacked always exercise extreme caution for the next several weeks as this is first and foremost a warning dream. If the attacker in your dream is an animal, watch out for that type of an animal, but also notice how some people act like animals. If you dream that you have attacked someone, that is also a warning that your ill mood or temper fits may cause you to harm another and bring chaos down on your head. If you are attacked by someone you know you may have to withstand an attack on your character and defend your honor, so to speak. If you are attacked by an animal be very careful of walking the dark streets or putting your self in the places where you could possibly be attacked by a mugger, etc.. If you dream that you repel your attacker then you will meet with success in your current endeavor, and if you kill an attacking animal then will your life be saved by a stranger.
If you dream of entering an attic, you may be exploring the realm of the higher self or seeking knowledge there. An attic can also suggest a place where things are hidden or stored from the past. The dream might be suggesting that you take some part of you out of hiding or that you should dispose of the things you are clinging to from your past.
Dreaming of August may suggest unfortunate dealings in business and love. A young woman dreaming that she will be wed in this month is an omen of sorrow ~ in her early married life.
Aurora Borealis
If you dream of seeing the northern lights and experience a feeling of love and warmth you are probably having a spiritual experience and you should examine all the other symbols found in the dream, no matter how small they are. Usually this feeling of peace and love is an indication that your spiritual state is doing well, but if you are frightened or sad it may be an indication for you to come back into the light of Gods love and care.
The material which makes up the avalanche is snow, and snow is frozen water. Water symbolizes your emotions, the unconscious, and, at times, life itself. Therefore, this dream is about rapidly and violently descending emotions and thoughts. Emotions which may have been repressed have finally been unlocked and may be overwhelming you. You may have this dream during emotionally turbulent times of your life, or in your dreams you may be remembering and reliving some difficult emotional experiences. Old dream interpretation books say that burial in an avalanche may result in good luck in the near future. Therefore, they think that it is a dream of the contrary.
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