A white rabbit wearing women’s underwear…A 2 Ton elephant in a Mini Skirt…Dreams, ever wonder what they mean? Here is a place to find answers to your sleeping dreams, no matter how crazy they are. Gathered together here are definitions based on what different litterary experts feel specific dream symbols translate into.
Dreams speak our subconscious thoughts, and these thoughts can effect our relationships with others. My goal with this glossary is to help other\\’s interpret their dreams in order to better enhance their relationships.
To know the dream is to understand the dreamer...
There are currently 34 symbols in this directory beginning with the letter P.
This dream, as all dreams, could have several different meanings. If you are packing your stuff and storing it or packing to move, you may be concerned about significant changes that are going on in your life. Otherwise, your unconscious may be organizing and letting go of emotional baggage. Some other interpretations say that dreaming about packing is simply a hint from your unconscious that you are involved in too many activities and may need to pack some of them up and put them away.
(person) To dream of seeing a page going about his normal business means you will become engaged to a hard worker but fail to control your weaker impulses toward other members of the opposite sex. If you dream of working as a page means you will get into some avoidable fiasco.
To see a pagoda in your dreams show that you will shortly be going on a journey. to touch the pagoda, it will be a long journey. Riding in a pagoda warns of a loss of love and/or the loss of a mate, or mate to be.
Dreaming of an empty pail can denote so many things, all of which are adverse; from hunger to loss. A full pail is a good omen of merit showing all manner of good things from love to money is about to enter your life. If the contents is milk then are you assured of domestic tranquility.
If a wall is being painted, the act may suggest that something is being hidden or covered up. Painting at an easel may indicate artistic or creative talents are ready to be expressed.
(bed) To dream of making a pallet on the floor shows that you are in danger of losing a lover one through your actions and/or suffer uneasiness over the actions of a loved one. To dream of sleeping on a pallet shows that you have a rival who is very jealous of your success.
Palm Tree
Generally, a Dream of palm trees heralds hope and peace but if the tress are withered or in some manner blighted then will your peace be removed from you for a while and you may hear of some event that saddens you. To see one palm tree standing alone is an omen of the loss of a good friend.
If you dream of having your palms read then you are in danger of becoming an object of suspicion and ridicule over some matter that you may have gossiped about. If you are the palm reader you will gain distinction through your hard work.
The feeling of panic suggests lack of control and confusion. If the primary emotion in your dream was panic, consider the details and try to understand its cause. Do you feel fear, a sense of confused helplessness, or were you unable to make a quick and accurate decision? Answering these questions will enable you to understand the message in this dream.
Clothing generally represents the roles that we play in life and how others perceive us. If putting on pants or changing your pants, plays a major part in your dream you may be questioning your role at work, home, or in any other area of life. The physical look of the pants, who is wearing them, and the emotional content of the dream will give you clues to its meaning. If your were trying to cover up your genitalia, then the dream may be bringing up sexual issues.
Dreaming that you or someone else is paralyzed could be very frightening. Depending on the details of your dream and your current situation in life, there are several different, but equally reasonable interpretations. The fear that paralyzes you in the dream may be symbolic of the fear that you are experiencing in daily life. You may feel somewhat unable to change a current situation which may manifest itself in your dream in a form of paralysis. In addition, this dream may be cautioning you to stay still and do nothing for now in regard to a real-life situation that is on your mind and may be problematic for you. In the dream you may be frozen with fear and it is up to you decipher what that fear is and what it represents.
Dreaming of a park may suggest a wish to relax and enjoy life. Walking in an unlit park at night may mean that you are delving into areas of darkness and danger, or that you are dealing with hidden or mysterious matters.
To find yourself at a party in a dream suggests that a celebration is in order. If you are concerned about a particular matter that remains unsettled, the dream may indicate a favorable resolution.
A dream of a peacock suggests that you have something to show off, a reason to be proud, similar to the peacock that displays its colorful tail feathers.
Having a pen or a pencil in your dream may be symbolic of your need to communicate with yourself or others. Our ability to communicate through written language is a vitally important and necessary part of life. When we take our pen and write a check to pay bills, it can still be considered a form of communication! Writing is a form of self-expression, provides us with another way to think and express our thoughts. Dreams with writing tools in them, may be an encouragement for you to write and communicate. Whether you need to communicate with yourself or others, in private or professional life, is up to you to determine.
The penguin is an interesting earth-bound bird that lives in and around the ocean. As a dream symbol it may represent concrete thinking, feelings of being burdened by unwanted emotions, lethargy, and a need to achieve balance. Think about your dream and see if any of these ideas are relevant to you. Superstition based dream interpretation books say that the penguin indicates that your problems are not as serious as you may think them to be.
The male sex organ is symbolic of fertility, power, and energy. Your gender and sexual orientation play a part when interpreting this dream. Are you dealing with issues of sexual orientation, power, or aggression? Answering these questions will enable you to interpret your dream.
Music in general represents joyous or festive feelings. Note the condition and type of music coming from the piano. A broken piano symbolizes displeasure in your achievements; an old-fashioned piano suggests neglect over a matter at hand.
If you dream that you are having a pleasant time at a picnic and you are with a loved one you are destined for much happiness in your marital life but if you are enjoying it alone this means you will be successful in your chosen field. Irritating aspects such as ants, or weather must be factored in accordingly.
Sometimes a dreamer may stand on a pier looking out over the ocean (or other large body of water). Sometimes waiting for a ship or a boat. The water symbolizes the unconscious and our emotions. It could also be considered the water of life, with meaning ranging form the simplest (as the necessity for life) to the most profound (life itself and all of its complexities). Its meaning can be drawn though analysis of your current situation and internal dynamics. If we are waiting for the opportunity to begin a new adventure, it could be reflected in this dream. Additionally, you may have a desire to get to know yourself better, to explore your own unconscious, and to grow in an emotional, psychological, or spiritual way. You are standing on a pier because you need or want to go on a journey in daily real life or an internal journey to your own unconscious.
Taking a pill in a dream suggests that the dreamer may be required to go along with something unpleasant. But positive results should follow.
Seeing a planet or visiting another planet in a dream may indicate a new adventure, a new way of thinking, or a new dimension of creativity.
(Hades) Pluto or Hades are synonymous with hell. Pluto is the brother of Zeus and Poseidon and the ruler of the underworld, or the land of the dead. The kingdom of the dead is located underneath the surface of the earth. It is not only the holding place for the eternally damned, but is symbolic of metamorphoses, mineral wealth, germination and the transition from death to life. From a psychoanalytic point of view, Pluto may represent the deepest and the oldest part of the psyche. It may be the holding place of the darkest and most negative and disturbing elements of the individual. The most destructive emotions and the greatest fears may be hidden there. However, this dark part of the psyche may also hold the greatest amount of transformative energy and power. As the unconscious demons begin to surface and are processed and then assimilated by the conscious mind, the individual begins to develop and experience feelings of completeness and wholeness. Astrologically, Pluto is symbolic of radical reconstruction that rejects harmful elements and is built on a solid foundation. Seeing Pluto in dreams seems to be an extremely valuable message from the unconscious. It suggests that the dreamer needs to contemplate and to explore his inner world; to face his fears and negative traits, to travel inward and then to emerge stronger and more alive than before the psychic or soulful journey began.
From a Freudian point of view, pockets may symbolize the female reproductive organs. However, for many people this dream may have an entirely different meaning. The pockets in your dreams could represent those things that you keep just for yourself: your memory, your secrecy, your valuable possessions, or your inner resources. If you were hiding your hands in the pockets, it suggests that you may feel a degree of helplessness or guilt, in regard to some situation in daily life.
Polar Bear
These creatures may represent that trickery or deceit is upon you. Maybe one of your enemies will appear as a friend to overcome you. However, seeing the skin of a polar bear suggests that you will successfully triumph over adversity.
Police officers represent authority; they uphold the law. A dream of police may serve as a warning against breaking the law or bending rules. It might suggest a fear of punishment. Alternately, the dream may indicate a desire for justice and to punish the wrongdoers in a matter of concern.
A pond signifies tranquility and a placid outlook in either the dreamer or a person in the dream.
Old dream interpretation books say the porcupine in your dreams is a omen of good news and bad news. Good things may happen to you, but they will carry difficulties with them. From a more pragmatic point of view, porcupines are cute but untouchable animals. As a dream symbol it may represent a situation or a person in your life that fits that description.
A priest represents a benign spiritual authority who serves as a guide. Alternately, a priest might symbolize a dictatorial figure or one who judges and condemns. A dream of a priest may indicate the need to follow or eschew conventional religion. Look to surrounding details for clarification.
Stepping into or stomping through puddles represents a parting or clearing away of troubles, with good times to follow. To dream that you are just wetting your feet in a puddle may mean that trouble will follow a pleasurable experience.
To see a pump in a dream denotes that energy is available to meet your needs. A functioning pump could also symbolize good health. A broken pump signifies a breakdown or disruption of the usual way of doing things.
Puppies may represent playfulness, dependency, and carefree fun. Please look up Dog in order to obtain a full range of possible interpretations.
Purple is usually the color of royalty, high rank, or dignity. It is a strong color that can not be ignored. Likewise, most people have a strong opinion of purple: they really like it, or vehemently dislike it. To some people, purple has spiritual connotations. The Catholic Church uses it at funerals and around Easter time. It represents spiritual and personal transformation. Purple could also represent higher consciousness and spiritual protection. A version of purple is also the color of the crown Chakra. When interpreting this color consider all of the details in the dream and try to make connections between the above mentioned-ideas and your current issues.
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