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"Marriage is not just about raising kids, splitting chores and making love. It can also have a spiritual dimension that has to do with creating an inner life together - a culture rich with rituals, and an appreciation for your roles and goals that link you ... "Gottman, 7 Principals of Making a Marriage Work…
I often hear couples, who have been with each other for a long time say, "I just do not know what to say or what to talk about. Maybe. However, after some exploration, I discovered there are a lot of things that many couples do not know about each other. At the same time, there…
Browse by letter or the search box to look up names. Information includes the traditional gender (what is
We all know that communication in a long distance relationship is essential. But how do you manage to have an effective communication with your girlfriend, so that it does not seem needy, boring or unattractive? In this article you'll discover 7 golden rules of texting that you can use in your text communication to avoid…
16) The ceremony is spoiled by the insistent beeping from the bride’s ankle cuff. 15) You’re forced to
16) Writing your wedding vows in Klingon seemed like such a cool idea at the bachelor party. 15)