Romance 101

Ways to Use Love As Your Fuel for Success

happy senior couple having picnic at summer park

When speaking about success, most of us, especially motivational speakers talk about commitment, dedication and hard work. A few of us really talk about why other people are more committed, dedicated and more hard working than others. Almost none of us speak about where hard work and dedication comes from in the first place.

We fail to recognize that dedication and hard work only happens when we are emotionally connected to our goals -; hard work and dedication are the result of setting the right goals that speak to our hearts and move us. Nobody works hard on goals that do not excite them. So in order to be successful you need to Connect emotionally to your goals so that you begin to feel the urge within you to do whatever it takes to succeed -; Whether this is waking up at 4am in the morning to write a business plan or sticking to a strict diet in order to achieve your fitness goals.

You might ask yourself how do you then connect emotionally to your goals. One of the best ways to do this is to harness the feeling of love in everything you do – love for yourself, love for others and love for what you do. Use love as a fuel for meaningful success in your life so that you pursue goals that speak to your heart and automatically gain the ability to work hard on those goals.

Here are the three things that you can do to use love as a fuel for your success:

  1. We all have had moments in our lives where we were filled with self-doubt and questioned our abilities whether as parents, spouses or in our carers. This may have caused us to have a negative self image of ourselves and to doubt our capabilities. Love yourself enough to forgive your past mistakes. Recall things that you have done well in the past and reflect on them. Allow all the positive feelings to dwell in you by recalling the past.
  2. In our busy schedules most of us neglect taking time to spend with people that truly care about us and believe in us. Allocate time, schedule a lunch or dinner meeting with someone that truly loves you and believes in your abilities.
  3. Begin to spend more time reflecting on things that move you emotionally and excite you. List a few of these things and spend more time doing them. It is from these kind of attention to what you love that great life changing goals are set and pursued. Everything great was done from a place of love, think of the airplane invention by the Wright brothers, or Bill Gates and Microsoft, Kaizer Motaung and Kaizer Chiefs, even philanthropic heroines such as Mother Theresa and Malala Yousafzai were born from a place of love.

When you start from the place of love, hard work, dedication and creativity automatically flow to you and help you achieve your goals.

Thank you for reading this article. Remain inspired, move mountains and all obstacles standing in the way of your success. Do not dare give up on yourself or your goals.

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