Romance 101

Romance Behavior Modification


By Jon Sternoff


Certain actions can be taken to increase certain behaviors. This is what sociologists commonly refer to as “reinforcement”. Reinforcing a particular behavior in someone requires something that the other person would value either positively or negatively in their life. Since we are focusing on fostering positive romantic behaviors we will focus only on positive reinforcers. For a reinforcer to work, four categories  must be fulfilled.

The ‘Principles of Effective Reinforcement’:

Now that you’ve read all of this scientific jargon, you might be wondering how you can apply it. Bellow are is an example of a way you can use this method to increase a desired behavior.

Getting Someone To Take You Out More Often…

1) First find out something that the person really enjoys. We’ll use chocolate for our example.

2) Next apply the ‘Principles of Effective Reinforcement’

3) Make sure you do not tell them you are giving them the chocolates as a reward. Let them make the association on their own. It will have a greater impact if they make the connection subconciously.

This, If Used Correctly, Should Help To Increase Behaviors Such As:

This method may not always work and may take a while to go into effect. Patience is important in every relationship, and that will come into play here most definitely. Also remember you can accidentally reinforce negative behaviors by this method, so be careful.

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