Romance 101

How To Stand Out From The Crowd And Make Online Dating Work For You

Online dating woman

By Jovia D’Souza

When you enter into online dating with the sole aim of being successful in your search, then being unique is what you should think about. You really can not be like everyone else and expect that potential partners will look at you any different. When you work on being unique or doing things a little differently, then you will manage to set yourself apart from the rest of the singles. There are a few things you can do to stand out and attract attention.

1. Do not tell, show it.

Generic dating profiles usually have all the same things where you list what you like and the kind of person you are. Sometimes describing yourself in fancy words does not always give the right image of you. To ensure that the message is delivered home, how about demonstrating it? For instance, if you feel you are fun and smart, how about showing it by your choice of words? And if you are attractive and love cooking, how about using photos to show instead of mentioning? Photos can tell a lot about the kind of a person you are so getting some amazing, unique shots and upload them on your profile.

2. Do not be basic

This is where most people go wrong and become like everyone else. You love to laugh and you love to have a good time but who does not? Everybody does and this makes you appear very basic. Think outside the box and repackage yourself from an angle many people do not think around. Before putting in down, think whether it is something that appears to be universal and if it is, then do not include it. You should actually take a look at yourself and list what makes you a unique person then let it show in your profile. People love a new challenge and a different one for that matter and when you let your uniqueness show, you definitely will manage to set yourself apart.

3. Avoid using clichés

This goes to pick up lines and compliments that you use when dating online. Do not say what you know the other person expects you to have it as the norm. Break the norm and keep of clichés and you will go far. In fact, you should think less about impressing the other person with sweet flowery words used by everyone else and instead concentrate on your true feelings and what makes you tick when it comes to them. What you say and how you say it can make a huge difference for you so be careful and think outside the usual.

4. Create a curiosity gap

It is said that honesty and telling it like it should be the way to go. But even as you open yourself out to others, do it in such a way that you trigger interest for them to want to find out more about you. Give away little bits of important details about yourself, but leave your potential dates yearning for more.


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