Romance 101

5 Online Dating Tips For Women

Portrait of happy young girl on cellphone texting

By Jovia D’Souza

What you should remember when creating your profile

Gone are the days when women are waiting to be hunted and conquered by men. Today, both genders seem to be equal when it comes to choosing the people they get into relations with. Women just like men now strive to have the best they deserve and the modern woman no longer puts up with something that is not working for her. It is therefore not a wonder that a large number of women have gone to find love and happiness.

As a woman, you still need to allow your femininity show even when approaching guys online and you can easily do this using your profile. It makes the profile your biggest tool and a few things when done right can help you in attracting single men who are describing of you and those bound to bring you the happiness and fulfillment you are looking for.

1. Know what you want and do not allow despair guide you into making a decision. Sit down quietly and create a man that is ideal for you using signals that are most important. When thinking about that man, make sure that you remain as realistic as possible because no one single person is really cut out to perfection and you might need to compromise at some point.

2. Get into online dating when you feel you are completely ready to start the process. You should actually be ready to make your search and not just sit looking pretty waiting for interested men to come knocking. Be ready to take an active role in fishing out your partner and you will increase your success rates.

3. Take a beautiful fresh photo for your dating profile. You want to appear approachable so put on a smile when taking the photo and ensure that you are looking your best. You can choose a full sized photo, but even a passport sized photo can work just fine. When taking the photo, dress decently, but do not be afraid to show off your natural beauty; flaunt what you love most. If you are not sure, have someone good in photography take your photo and help you edit so you have a perfect picture in the end.

4. Write down your dating profile beforehand and go through it just to be sure and to make any necessary changes to it. Not many women take time to write their profiles but this is the most important element of online dating. Think it through and try as much as possible to keep it simple and short. Highlight the most important areas and keep negativity off it. The secret is to create a curiosity gap in the profile so that you raise that urge for men to want to know you better.

5. Be confident and value yourself. Do not in any way appear too needy or too desperate. After all, you have survived being single for some time and staying so for a little longer till you find the man you deserve it will not hurt you in any way.


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